Want to take your research abroad and be supported in your return to Austria? Suggestion 1 in our series on postdoc funding schemes could be the grant for you! Here's the facts:
Austrian Science Fund FWF Erwin Schrödinger programme
- application on an ongoing basis
- 37.7% success rate in 2022 (4,5 mths average wait until decision)
- abroad phase: 10 to 24 months, return phase: up to 12 months
- €300 per month for career-development measures, principal investigator’s salary, project-specific costs maximum €12,000
- Criteria: completed doctorate, fulfillment of the territoriality principle, support of the principal investigator by the host at an excellent research institution abroad, option to return to an Austrian research institution
See full details: www.fwf.ac.at/en/funding/portfolio/careers/erwin-schroedinger
Calculate your odds: dashboard.fwf.ac.at
Get support for your application from Research Management and Service: forschungsmanagement.uni-graz.at/de/service-fuer-forscherinnen/