Behind the Curtain 2nd Edition

How to shape academia in committees and commissions, with Renate Dworczak

10:00 - 11:30
[0037] Palais Kottulinsky, Beethovenstraße 9

Round Table Conversation/Q&A, June 7, 10-11.30 am

Being a member of our university generally means doing research, teaching and – more or less – administration. But it can be more, if you like. You can actively contribute to the development of our alma mater and have influence on what this development will be like. We will talk about some ways to do this. In your institute or your department, in your faculty as well as in the senate, you can be involved in strategic planning and decision making. So, e.g., as a member of a Curriculum Committee you could co-decide what our curricula will be like in the future. The Employee’s Council for the Academic Staff und the Working Group for Equal Opportunities are legally installed and can be strong partners for the university’s management.  On the long run you might even be interested in university management. All this can be interesting and personally rewarding – just give it a try!

You can read a summary of last year's discussion at this workshop here.

About Renate Dworczak:

Ao.Univ-Prof. Dr. Renate Dworczak, retired professor of organic chemistry, was until 2022 special representative of the rectorate for gender equality and diversity. She has served as Vice-Rector for Staff, Staff Development and Equality for three four-year terms and prior to that was chair of the AKGL (Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen/ Working Group for Equal Opportunities).

Registration: Please register until June 2, 2023 via and send us your discussion points!

Photo Credit: Uni Graz/Lunghammer