The PostDoc Office provides service & information to 340 postdoctoral researchers in temporary contracts - as well as to all those who work with them. Depending on the academic branch, they make up between 9% and 48% of the research staff. We aim to support members of this staff group in maintaining optimal conditions for their work and in promoting their professional development. We also aim to make the potential and performance of this highly productive group of researchers more visible. A central element of our measures is the strengthening of these researchers’ institutional and international networks so they can further establish themselves as independent and self-reliant scholars with an internationally competitive profile.
The offers and services of the PostDoc Office were developed on the basis of a needs assessment with 100 researchers and have been available since January 2022. They include financial grants, mentoring formats, skills training, public events that focus on postdocs, networking and information events for the target group, personal advice and external coaching offers.
We are part of Research Careers Campus Graz!