Habilitation Explained 2025

Online Info Talk for All Postdoctoral Researchers

09:00 - 11:00
PostDoc Office
to be announced
Registration required
Registration ends 02.06.2025, 12:00

A habilitation is proof of excellent academic qualification and is – depending on the discipline – common in Austria and some other European countries. If you are new to Austria or don’t yet have many mentors or peers familiar with the system, you might have some questions. This info talk intends to be a confidential space where you can get the orientation you need – and meet others who are in the same situation. 


  • Welcome by PostDoc Office
  • Intro by Stefan Zehetmeier
  • 2x small-group breakout sessions to get to know fellow participants & collect questions in the pad
  • Stefan Zehetmeier goes through questions in pad
  • More questions might come up & are answered

There is a pad were questions are collected before and during the workshop.

Expert: Stefan Zehetmeier is an associate professor and deputy head of the Institute for Teaching and School Development at the University of Klagenfurt. His qualifications include teacher training (in mathematics and physics), a doctorate (in pedagogy) and a habilitation (in teacher training).

Registration via ESRA: Postdocs - Kurse (uni-graz.at)

You can post your questions already here. Registered participants will receive a fact sheet by the University's legal department to support the discussions in the workshop.