These are our upcoming PostDoc events (so far!), we are looking forward to seeing you there! Registration for the listed DocAcademy/DocService workshops (*) opens Sept 1, 12 noon. PostDoc Office workshops have ongoing registration. Round tables, social evenings, and other events: please register via email to!
- Sept 21, 7pm: PostDoc Social Evening at Posaune
- Sept 22-24: PostDoc Writing Retreat (only waiting list possible)
- Oct 14 & 21: Presenting at Conferences and Poster Presentations* (workshop)
- Oct 19, 7pm: PostDoc Social Evening: Semester Start Special: Free Pizza Night!
- Nov 2, 5pm: Preventing Conflicts and Power Abuse in Academia (round table)
- Nov 3-4: Appointment Training (Berufungs- und Bewerbungstraining, workshop)
- Nov 8: Should I stay, should I go? How to handle being unsure about your academic career (workshop)
- Nov 14, 1-5pm: Starting a company as a possible career path* (workshop)
- Nov 16, 7pm: PostDoc Social Evening at Posaune
- Nov 24: Resilience and Wellbeing in Academia* (workshop)
- Dec 7, 6pm: Fiasco Fest: How to joyfully move from rejection and failure to your best professional self (with drinks!)
- Dec 15 & 16: Communicating Science via Social Media (workshop)
- Dec 16 & Jan 13, 2-5pm: Getting ready for your teaching career* (workshop)
- Dec 21, 7pm: PostDoc Social Evening at Posaune
- Jan 16 & 17: Fokus. Wie Sie konzentriert an dem arbeiten, was wichtig ist
- Feb 9 & 10: 2-day Seminar on Master’s thesis and PhD Supervision
- March 27: Recognising and leveraging your transversal skills for careers outside academia (workshop)