Poker players, metal fans and the Winchester brothers

alumni post.talks 2023: Peter Pichler interviews Lisa Kienzl (link below)

14:00 - 15:00
to be announced

Postdoctoral researchers from Graz interview international alumni

June 20, 2pm: Peter Pichler (Graz, Cultural History) talks to Lisa Kienzl (Bremen, Religious Studies) 


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About the researchers:

Lisa Kienzl is a postdoc in the area of literatures and media of religions at the University of Bremen. She is working on a habilitation project on gaming communities and e-sports, which also touches on her long-term research interests of gender and fandom. Kienzl holds a PhD in religious studies from the University of Graz, where she specialized in masculinity constructions and transformation of religious elements in the TV show Supernatural. She also holds a PhD in anthropology, with a focus on 19th century national identity and antisemitism in the Austrian empire. Kienzl is, from her studies and research so far, well acquainted with demons and discourse analysis.

Peter Pichler researches heavy metal, a musical genre that is sometimes still labelled lawless, satanic or rebellious. He was principal investigator of a FWF project on the topic at the Institute of the Foundations of Law at the University of Graz, which was completed in March 2023. Pichler is a cultural historian and interested in the influence of social developments on heavy metal - for example, how it relates to migration, the equality of women, climate change or the coronavirus pandemic. Among Pichler’s other research areas are European Union Cultural History and the narrative construction of history and related identities.

Both researchers blog about their work and are active other science to public activities in general.