Why do open science?

A SIS-Idea-Lab session in collaboration with PostDoc Office and Doctoral Academy

16:30 - 18:00
to be announced

Please join us on 22nd June at 4:30 to 6.00 p.m at RESOWI-SZ 15.22 for the SIS-Idea-Lab Session on – “Why do open science?” 

A collaborative event between SIS-Idea-Lab, Doctoral Academy and the PostDoc Office

There is a growing awareness and increasing demand from the society to make the output of scientific research openly accessible to all. However, despite its growing relevance, researchers are not always informed of the practical aspects of or the benefits of doing open science. The aim of this session is to address this gap through an expert panel discussion. It is interdisciplinary and open to all interested researchers of all career stages.

4.30 Opening remarks and introduction to the panelists - Johanna Stadlbauer from the PostDoc Office

4.40 Introduction to open science and an overview of the open science support available at the University of Graz - Hildrun Walter and Christian Kaier, authors of the  Arqus Openness Position Paper 

5.00 Practicing open science - Hilmar Brohmer, Institute of Psychology

5.15 Open science for funding your research proposal - Michalis Tzatzanis, The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

5.30 Q&A and moderated panel discussion – Moderated by Johanna Stadlbauer from the PostDoc Office

6.00 Closing of the event

You can submit your questions in advance in the following google form latest by 20th June - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QUERi2aDYNa2KG8fnciCKqS1CQnFpSW44NouGGPKKR4/edit?usp=sharing